Archive for January 5, 2017

The Ugly Face of Racism

Today is January 5, 2017 and less than 24 hours ago we were greeted with the appalling images and video footage of 4 black young

Torture victim

A mentally challenged man tortured unmercifully.

adults torturing a white, mentally disabled man.   All the while shouting racial epithets.  Nothing could be more clear than this was a case of a bunch of racists taking out their hate on a vulnerable human being.


 Racism alive, well and growing.

I knew as soon as the violent rise of Black Lives Matter started taking place a little more than 4 years ago after the defensive shooting of Trayvon Martin that things would become worse, much worse for this nation.

We have seen “peaceful protests” turn into riots on a third world scale with burning and looting not seen since the race riots of the 60’s.  Rather than try to quell these issues in a statesman like way the Soros funded Obama administration and Loretta Lynch run justice department didn’t just fiddle while America’s cities burned they poured gasoline on them.

Racism: It’s not just for whitey anymore!


Top row: Brittany Covington, Tesfaye Cooper; Bottom row: Jordan Hill, Tanishia Covington

The social justice world has hammered on one pseudo fact and that is that it is impossible for a white person to be the victim of racism and that ONLY white people can be racist.  Now this narrative is mind boggling since it defies even the dictionary definition of “racism”


[rey-siz-uh m]

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such doctrine; discrimination.

hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
So I guess that racism is for everybody and here we have some real hard core proof that indeed black people can be racist too.  Wow we really have evolved – equal opportunity hate.  I am pretty sure that is what Martin Luther King was aiming for.

Sin is the problem – Jesus is the answer

What we need to see in this video and learn from this experience is this the Bible is 100% correct when it says in Genesis 6:5 “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

We are running headlong to our own destruction and it is because of hate.  Our politicians and their soft associates have continually pushed us into that well of hate.  Look at the last election – did we talk about issues or how much each side hated the other side?

Let me be clear on something when you hate you sin.   Your violent hateful actions are not G-d driven.  You need to get saved.  Marching down the street calling for the death of cops, or Trump or Clinton or white people or black people are SIN!

I am angry but I do love you.

I have an old friend from high school – a gay, liberal, African American man.  Today he said “I’m a black liberal and even I can see this is a pure hate crime”.  In times like this I thank G-d for a reminder of how much I love this guy.  Not because we are the same but because love really becomes the answer.  Maybe if we who are “good men” would come together and say “The hate stops with me” we could really do something here, get back on track.  Yeah things won’t be perfect but maybe we can make the hate diminish when we all start saying It’s not OK.

Yes I am angry about this I wish I could have prevented it – I am angry but I will continue to do my darndest to love best I know how.



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